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Sanctuary History | Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary

Gray’s Reef was designated as a national marine sanctuary on January 16, 1981 by President Jimmy Carter, but the history of the reef—once known as the ‚Sapelo Live Bottom’—dates back to pre-Columbian North America. The Sanctuary was named in recognition of Milton ‚Sam‘ Gray, who discovered the area in modern times.
the research area to compare data between locations with

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Sam Gray | Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary

Milton ‚Sam‘ Gray was a marine taxonomist and biological collector who studied invertebrates along the Atlantic coast. Most of his career was spent studying seafloor life in the northeastern United States, but migrated south later to study the diversity of the Georgia coasts—the first of such studies in the region.
conducted by Sam Gray identified Gray’s Reef as an area with

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