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Cincinnati Zoo Unveils Latest Plans for Future Elephant Habitat – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

World-renowned elephant expert visits to help shape plan  CINCINNATI (September 27, 2018) –Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden announced its More Home to Roam capital campaign earlier this year and, as funds are raised, is progressing with plans for the final and most ambitious phase of the project – Elephant Trek. The Zoo has brought in […]
viewing •         Adventure ropes course for all abilities •         Multi-tiered Beer

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Kris and Remus: Full Speed Ahead! – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

Kris and Remus have been maturing into great ambassadors over the past few months. They are currently training to be a part of the Cheetah Encounter where Kris will demonstrate the incredible running speed of the African Cheetah and Remus will help tell the story about dogs in conservation. Throughout the zoo, we use a […]
The duo has a beer dedicated to them there and the proceeds of it benefitted the

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Not All Who Waddle Are Lost: Remembering Buddy – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

Everyone noticed how confidently he walks through the crowd. Maybe his strut has something to do with him always showing up so well-dressed? He seems to know that all eyes are looking down at him. The excited gazes are because he’s a Magellanic penguin standing one and a half feet tall. Known as Buddy the […]
Buddy had his own baseball card, inspired a beer by Rhinegeist Brewery, was featured

  • International
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