Afrika-Junior – ScalaZ
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Severe flooding and intense droughts has led to the destruction of many homes, shelters
Meintest du home?
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Severe flooding and intense droughts has led to the destruction of many homes, shelters
South Africa is situated in the south of Africa, with more than 55 million inhabitants.
This country was for millenia home to the Bushmen until seafarers and traders from
Nelson Mandela was Africa’s most important freedom fighter. He spent 27 years in life to end the apartheid in South Africa.
On 5 December 2013 Nelson Mandela dies at his home at Houghton Estate, Johannesburg
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Many people died and just as many lost their home.
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The reason for this, is that many children have to help their families at home.
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Over millions of years the rain has created a rich green realm that is home to an
shallow DOF of african child in a dreamy position
But even many children who still live at home cannot attend school, as school fees